Mohammad Mahdi Ramezanpour

Mohammad M. Ramezanpour

A little bit more about me

My name is Mohammad Mahdi Ramezanpour. I was born and grown in Tehran, Iran; but, now live in Berlin, Germany. I have started developing software at the age of 13 with QBasic and then Visual Basic. After .NET Framework was introduced by Microsoft, I migrated all of my projects to .NET and became a .NET Developer for almost around 10 years.

In 2013 and for a short time, I have also tried mobile application development and developed 4 iOS applications but TBH I didn’t like it.

In 2016, after having been using the Microsoft technology stack for more than a decade, I decided to try new stacks. As a result, I started learning and using Python programming language while switching to Linux OS. After maybe 3 months these became my main stack! I moved completely from Windows to ArchLinux and developed all of my projects using Python as the programming language and PostgreSQL as my main database engine of choice.

My preferred text editors of choice are VSCode and is [neo]vim. I was using VSCode because vim doesn’t provide good support for RTL languages such as Persian. Feel free to check out my dotfiles on GitHub.

Last but not least, this blog is proudly powered by Jekyll and hosted on Github Pages.